Coccinella transversali
Coccinella transversali

Wagle B K S, Saravanan, L, Jacob P S, Anand P.Temperature dependent development, adult longevity, fecundity and feeding potential of two coccinellid predators under laboratory condition. Effect of three species of predatory ladybirds and oviposition of aphid parasitoids. Takizawa T, Yasuda H, Agarwala B K 2000.Sarhad Journal of Agriculture 23(3):705-711. Searching ability and feeding potential of larvae of 7-spotted beetle Coccinella septempunctata Linn. Journal of Economic Entomology 100(1): 39-48. A survey of syrphid predators of Nasonovia ribisnigri in organic lettuce on the central coast of California. Biological control of mustard aphid, Lipaphis erysimi (Kalt.) in Punjab. Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, pp. Elad (eds): Integrated Pest and Disease Management in Greenhouse Crops. Journal of Entomological Research 18: 5-10. in relation to the mustard aphid Lipaphis erysimi Kaltenbach. Post embryonic development surival rate and predation potential of Coccinella septumpunctata Linn. (Coccinellidae: Coleoptera) on mustard aphid, Myzus persicae Sulzer. Feeding potential of Coccinella septempunctata Linn. Journal of Entomological Research 48(4):529-533. Biological predator species the coccinellids (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae). Oliveira N C, Wilcken C F, Matos O C A 2004.2018 Efficacy of two species of coccinellid predators against four different aphid pest species at Khumaltar, Nepal. Maharjan B, Thapa R B, Bajracharya A S R.Biodiversity of predacious ladybird beetles (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae) in Kashmir. Khan A A, Zaki F A, Khan Z H, Mir R A.Wiedenmann Tritrophic Interactions among Bt (Cr圓Bb1) corn, aphid prey, and the predator Coleomegilla maculate (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae). Cooperative Extention, Cornell University, Ithea, New York. Insect Predator-Prey Dynamics Ladybird Beetles and Biological Control. Entomologia Experimentalis Applicata, 15: 35-50. Searching beahviour and the incidence of predation in the field. confusus (Hemiptera: Anthocoridae) as predators of the sycamore aphid, Drepanosiphum plantanoides. The effectiveness of Anthocoris nemorum and A. Indian Journal of Entomology, 64: 373-376. Management of mustard aphid with natural enemy, plant product and chemical insecticide. Predation and cannibalism of lady beetle eggs by adult lady beetles. International Journal of Pest Management 45(1):69-73. Effects of distance from field edge on aphidophagous insects in wheat crop and observations on trap design and placement. Bowie M H, Gurr G M, Hossain Z, Baggen L R, Frampton C C.transversalis for the aphid biocontrol programme. Attainment of early sexual maturity and offspring production might help mass-rearing of C. Both early sexual maturity and increased incidences of mating refusals by the mated females seemingly are traits that favour sexual selection. The female mating refusals were higher in mated females than in virgins suggesting that females resist to re-mate due to probable sufficiency of single mating for their progeny. The duration of copula (24.70 ± 4.50 min) and the number of bouts (343.60 ± 56.53) were greater in the copulation of non-virgins than that of the virgins (17.19 ± 5.19 min of copulation with 265.90 ± 79.73 bouts). The male courtship displays were prominent in virgins than in the non-virgins, which indicate that males perhaps resort to courtship when they are mating for the first time. Early sexual maturity trait enables early initiation of sexual activities leading to increase in its population dynamics. Adult females and males attained sexual maturity at a very early age of 3.47 ± 0.32 and 4.02 ± 0.75 days after emergence respectively revealing slight protogyny.

coccinella transversali

virgin couple, previously mated couple, virgin male x mated female, and mated male x virgin female. 227-233 ISSN: 1742-7592 Subject: Aphidoidea, Coccinella, adults, aphidophagous predators, biological control, copulation, courtship, females, insects, males, mass rearing, population dynamics, progeny, protogyny, sexual selection Abstract: We investigated the significance of sexual maturity, courtship behaviour and mating refusals in an aphidophagous ladybird, Coccinella transversalis Fabricius using four mating combinations, viz. Courtship behaviour and mating refusals in an aphidophagous ladybird, Coccinella transversalis Author: Ahmad Pervez, Mumtaj Jahan, Monalisa Source: International journal of tropical insect science 2022 v.42 no.1 pp.

Coccinella transversali